Security, How to disable AirDrop on OS X computers
If you are not using the AirDrop functionality on an Apple OS X computer or device, it may be wise to disable AirDrop so that your computer is not exposed to potential security vulnerabilities.
AirDrop is a means of wirelessly sharing files between Mac computers. While this functionality may be convenient, it sometimes will expose your computer to security vulnerabilities. It is often recommended that you disable AirDrop on your computer.
disable AirDrop on a Mac
defaults write DisableAirDrop -bool YES
Log out of your account by going to the Apple Menu (top upper left corner of your computer) –> Log out
Log back in to your account and AirDrop will be disabled
If you do not want to fully disable AirDrop, you can make it more difficult for someone to see your computer and share files to it via AirDrop by following these steps:
In the finder, select the Go menu --> AirDrop
At the bottom, click "Allow me to be discovered by:" and select "No one"
re-enable AirDrop on a Mac:
defaults write DisableAirDrop -bool NO