Andrij’s old TP-Link from farm, I flashed it to LEDE 17 back in 2021 and it worked as a bridge repeater (wi-fi extender) quite well. Now, I use a different router (this very model, but v13, which has twice more RAM and ROM, 8/64 instead of 4/32)
I re-flashed this router to OpenWrt 21 on Tue, July 9, 2024 to bring it to in-laws attic. I want to use it as a switch, as their switch is unstable. I would use their switch for other things, like my computers + other rooms (guest room, our room, parents room), while keeping the crucial infrastructure (first floor TV, 1st floor Internet, Sofia’s room + old switch itself) for this very router.
Also, it will work as a Wi-Fi extender, so it will cover parents’ room and possibly the dog house area too.