That’s my new note. I created it with this script, that ChatGPT helped me to create.

Sure! Here’s a script that creates a markdown file with the specified front matter and opens it in your $EDITOR. The script ensures the target directory exists by using mkdir -p.


# Define the directory and file paths
DIRECTORY="/path/to/notes/$(date +%Y)"
mkdir -p "$DIRECTORY"
FILE="$DIRECTORY/note-$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S).md"

# Get the current date and time in the desired formats
CURRENT_DATETIME=$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z")
CURRENT_DATE=$(date +"%a, %b %d at %H:%M")

# Define the front matter
title = 'Quick Note from $CURRENT_DATE'
draft = false
tags = ['note']

# Create the markdown file with the front matter
echo -e "$FRONT_MATTER\n" > "$FILE"

# Open the file in the user's default editor
${EDITOR:-nano} "$FILE"


  1. Setup Directory and File Paths:

    • The directory for the current year is created if it doesn’t exist.
    • Define the path for the note file, including a timestamp to ensure unique filenames.
  2. Get Current Date and Time:

    • CURRENT_DATETIME gets the current date and time in the format required for the front matter.
    • CURRENT_DATE gets the current date and time in a more readable format for the title.
  3. Define Front Matter:

    • The front matter includes the title, date, draft status, and tags.
  4. Create Markdown File:

    • The front matter is written to the new markdown file.
  5. Open the File in Editor:

    • The file is opened in the user’s default editor, falling back to nano if $EDITOR is not set.

You can customize the DIRECTORY variable to point to your desired notes location. Save this script and make it executable with chmod +x, then run it whenever you need to create a quick note.