Another script now. I want to parse a huge txt-file and create many small markdown-files out of it.

The example of the txt-file:

	Date:		7 October 2011 at 08:00:00 EEST
   	Weather:	17°C Overcast
	Location:	Gothenburg, Sweden

![](photos/cd9fe903e2ef06dbfea4516b3665f395.jpeg)Talked with my friend for over two hours.

	Date:		8 October 2011 at 13:48:00 EEST
   	Location:	Tsehel'skoho vulytsya, Lviv, Oblast Lemberg, Ukraine

![](photos/f4724282e20b5946663fed08358c1700.jpeg)That’s me and my friend, we bought some books.

The post starts with the Date:. It’s always a tab space and a Date: at the beginning of each post. Sometimes there’s other info, e.g. location or weather. When there’s new Date:, it’s another post.

I want all that metadata to become a markdown’s file front-matter. Front matter starts with +++ and ends with +++ followed by an empty line. Front matter in the new markdown file formatted with toml syntax.

If there’s — anywhere in the text, I want you to insert an empty line before and after it. If there’s markdown-syntax image file that follows this pattern ![](), insert an empty line before and after it.

The result of the previous text is two files, one is $BASEDIR/2011/10-07-Fri/, which is $BASEDIR/$DATE_DIR/, where DATE_DIR=$(date +"%Y/%m-%d-%a"). And another file is .notes/2011/10-08-Sat/

2011/10-07-Fri/ content is:

title = 'Day One Entry'
date = "2011-10-07T08:00:00+0300"
weather = "17°C Overcast"
location = "Gothenburg, Sweden"
draft = false
tags = ['diary', 'DayOne']


Talked with my friend for over two hours.

2011/10-08-Sat/ content is:

title = 'Day One Entry'
date = "2011-10-08T13:48:00+0300"
location = "Tsehel’skoho vulytsya, Lviv, Oblast Lemberg, Ukraine"
draft = false
tags = ['diary', 'DayOne']


That’s me and my friend, we bought some books.

If there’s no directory, obviously you need to create it with mkdir -p. If there’s a ' symbol convert it to either ’ or ‘ according to typography norms (if it’s inside a word or at the end of it, then it’s a symbol, if it’s in the beginning of the word then it’s symbol. The file is provided as an argument to the script, and all other locations like $BASE_DIR are specified in the script.